I.N.S.E.C.T. 2023
The Bidstrup Forest
Hvalsø, Denmark
The 2023 I.N.S.E.C.T. Summercamp was co-created online by about 13 members. We gathered for 6 days at a scout camp in the forest outside Copenhagen in Denmark to explore multi-species perspectives through three focus areas, Critical Making, Mapping and Embodiment Meditations.
Group conversation on the deck overlooking the lake.
One of the most fascinating things about I.N.S.E.C.T. camp is experiencing a bond in loving the micro-detail in nature’s ecosystems, yet coming from wildly varied backgrounds, educational histories and places. Just getting to know each other and our interests and curiosities is its own adventure.
Foraging, FIELD observations and SPECIES ENCOUNTERS
All three focus areas asked for us to seek deep and meaningful experiences with species in the forest. Foraging became a broad practice for collecting specimens, encounters, data, sounds, images and stories which we could use and reflect upon in Critical Making, Mapping and Embodied Meditations.
In the Lab
The scoutcamp dining room was transformed into a field lab, where foraged materials could be identifed, examined and used as materials for art and citizen science projects. We also co-opted the kitchen in the afternoons to make our own petri dishes, and culture local mycelium species.
Mapping Companion Species
Each member picked a companion species to research thoroughly and relate to profoundly during the summercamp. In the extended gallery, you can see the many ways we mapped multi-species relationships.
Embodiment Mediations
The I.N.S.E.C.T. Collective values the physical senses as a vital aspect of multi-species relationality and design. We explored meditations that atune our bodies to nature, free our imaginations, find greater empathy and meld with the environment. You can see more about this in the extended gallery.
Insect Summercamp 2023 Members and Photographers: Alena Grahn, Anneke ter Schure, Asya Ilgun, Dan Parker, Colleen Ludwig, Felix Carros, Henning Monsieur, Iris Bekkers, Julia Tabet, Katka Cerna, Leila Sims, Minne Zeijdner, Sole Calby, Svenja Keune